😊 About Me
I am a fourth-year student at the College of Engineering, Peking University, set to graduate with a dual degree in Robotics Engineering and Mechanics. My interests are broad and diverse, and I enjoy communicating with people from all walks of life. As a dedicated football enthusiast, I find joy both in playing the sport and in discussing it with others. I’m always open to academic conversations and welcome any opportunity for discussions or collaborations with like-minded individuals.
I am particularly passionate about applying machine learning methods to elevate robotic capabilities in navigation, perception, and reconstruction tasks. So far, I have contributed to three research projects in these fields, and I look forward to deepening my expertise and broadening my impact in the years to come.
Research Interests
Robotic Navigation
- Efficient Path Planning and Decision Making
- Learning-based Exploration
- Visual SLAM
Autonomous Driving
- 3D Scene Reconstruction
- Perception and Sensor Fusion

🔥 News
- One paper accepted by CVPR 2025.
📝 Publications

Chensheng Peng*, Chengwei Zhang*, Yixiao Wang, Chenfeng Xu, Yichen Xie, Wenzhao Zheng, Kurt Keutzer, Masayoshi Tomizuka, Wei Zhan
-We present DeSiRe-GS, a self-supervised gaussian splatting representation, enabling effective static-dynamic decomposition and high-fidelity surface reconstruction inchallenging driving scenarios.
🎖 Honors and Awards
- 2022 Boeing Scholarship (Third Prize), College of Engineering, Peking University
- 2023 China Optics Valley Scholarship
- 2023 Merit Student of Peking University
📖 Education
2021.09 - 2025.07 (expected), B.S. in Robotics and Mechanics, College of Engineering, Peking University
💻 Research Experiences
2023.05 - 2024.10, Efficient Vision-guided Active SLAM Based on Terrain Information, advised by Prof.Chang Liu, College of Engineering, Peking University.
2024.06 - Now, Reinforcement Learning on Soft Robotics, advised by Prof.Ke Liu, College of Engineering, Peking University.
2024.07 - 2024.11, 4D Street Gaussians for Static-Dynamic Decomposition and Surface Reconstruction for Urban Driving Scenes, advised by Prof.Masayoshi Tomizuka, School of Mechanical Engineering, UC Berkeley.
🛠️ Skills and Tools
- Programming Languages: C, C++, Python, Shell, MATLAB
- Useful Tools: Linux, PyTorch, ROS, LaTeX, Gazebo, Mujoco, SolidWorks
📫 Contact Me
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions, opportunities, or simply want to connect!
📧 Email 1: 2100011155@stu.pku.edu.cn
📧 Email 2: chengweialan@gmail.com